Spanish Mortgage Claims
If you had a Spanish Mortgage before 2019 you are probably due a refund.

In 2019 the European court ruled that clients should not have paid set up costs, administration and registration fees when taking out their Mortgage in Spain. Atlas are now working alongside Lawyers to help our customers get their money back. Based on a NO WIN NO FEE strategy you have nothing to lose by claiming back your refund.
If you took out a mortgage from a Spanish bank to buy your home in the sun there is a very high likelihood that the whole process was loaded with extra charges, insurances that were not necessary, or unlawful contracts that ensured your monthly premiums never reduced, even though the European Bank interest rates dropped through the floor.
Over the last few years, the Spanish Supreme Courts, and European Central Courts, under the pressure of thousands of claims, have ruled against the banks, brokers and insurance companies who flagrantly took unfair advantage of UK buyers exploiting the language difficulties.
Between them, they have introduced and enforced a wide series of laws, regulations and case precedents that have made it possible for you to RECLAIM for all the overcharged or mis-sold financial products associated with buying your home or investment property in Spain plus the lost interest.
Working alongside a Spanish Lawfirm called Abolex (who have recovered more than 50 million Euros from Spanish banks, more information can be found at www.abolex.es). Abolex are currently acting on behalf of more than two thousand UK and exPat clients. Abolex are fully regulated, have expert knowledge in all these claims, and know how to recover your money. - And they don’t charge anything if you don’t win*. The Claims Bureau receives a recommendation fee for introducing your case to the Spanish law firm. Our fee is paid by the law firm. We do not take any fees from you.
A short, five minute call with The Claims Bureau team will tell you if and how you are eligible to claim.